Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Lifestyle of Befriending the Friendless

Suburban Christians often have a genuine desire to befriend the friendless yet struggle with the cultural, geographical, and lifestyle chasm that exists between them and those whom they would serve. Mission Adelante has discovered a cross cultural mission field on our own doorstep and we are passionate about helping you tap into it!

Abundant volunteer participation has been one of the most significant blessings and fruits of the Mission Adelante ministry. There are currently about 45 volunteers serving in ongoing roles with Mission Adelante. More exciting than the numbers though are the people. Some of them have made a lifestyle out of serving broken people. Felipe and Morgan Ham and Bill Medley have been volunteering on the front lines with Mission Adelante since before we began in 2005, now over two years ago. Valerie Kalny has kept our books since inception. Our board members also fit into that category of those having served since inception. They include Scott and Paulette Robinette, Ben Kalny, Dru Shiner, Ethan Vaughan, and Paul Nobrega.

Todd Jones, Susie Simpson are now completing their second year of service. And a majority of the rest have served for multiple trimesters including Chris and Veronica Lang, Mary Ann Bettis, Caren Collins and others who are nearing the two year mark..

We praise God for the incredible partners we have in this ministry. And we praise Him for the ways He is working in their lives through serving.

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